COVID-19 safeguarding procedures

I am now open for all treatments and one to one personal training and rehabilitation appointments. 

To safeguard against potential transmission of Covid 19 I have put the following measures in place for clients arriving at the studio:

  1. Please remain in your car until I signal for you to enter.

  2. I have purposely spaced clients 30 minutes apart to ensure there is no overlapping of appointments, and also allow me to thoroughly disinfect the studio in between sessions. 

  3. If you have you own face mask, please feel free to bring it. I can provide them if required. 

  4. The door will be open for you on arrival and will remain open along with windows to encourage better air circulation. 

  5. When you enter the studio, I have created a 2m x 2m box for you to sit, place belongings and change (please see pictures below). I have removed the cushion for the seat to enable effective cleaning pre and post appointment. 

  6. I will wear a face mask at all times, and suggest if plausible you do the same when receiving treatment. However, for training purposes I understand this would be uncomfortable, so this is not compulsory. 

  7. If you are attending for fitness training, please can you bring indoor trainers to change into, along with your own water bottle. 

  8. Please refrain from bringing your own towel, as I will provide disposable paper tissue. 

  9. I have removed many pieces of fitness equipment to reduce the amount of surfaces that a client or I may touch. Any surfaces that are contacted will be disinfected. 

  10. Regarding treatment, all towels and couch covers have been removed and replaced with paper couch tissue. All previous hygiene procedures will be in place, with hand and skin sanitiser used before and after treatment, and all treatment tools used will be cleansed throughly after each use. 

  11. Each client will be contacted prior to their visit to ensure neither they nor anyone in their household is displaying Covid-19 symptoms.

  12. Patients at high risk will be screened to ensure that their visit is essential. 

  13. Any contact points in regular use will be disinfected after each use, including the treatment couch, chairs, fitness equipment, door handles etc.

  14. Video appointments are available for those unable to make it to the studio or at increased risk will be available. 
